Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff name combined with cats

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff meets voracious animals

Hey, I’m on VK too. I posted a few images on facebook with names of famous or maybe not so famous German expressionists. Their names are overlayed on top of a cool animal picture which I took during my vacation. Is there any deeper meaning behind it? I don’t think so but everyone is free to believe what they want. This, for example, is a good way to polish up my English writing skills. If you are a conspiracy theorist, you might find a hidden meaning behind those statements too. Basically what I’m trying to say is that the expressionistic cat and dog images have a very real and deep meaning behind them. They combine…

If you are confused by the title and the name on the picture, don’t be confused. I will follow up on this topic another time. It deserves more investigation.

That’s all for now. See you on another day. 😂


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